

Meet The Team

Secretary General
Helen Huang

As a Grade 12 student at MEI Secondary School, Helen Huang first entered the world of Model United Nations and Debate with an underestimated viewpoint on the prospect of public speaking. After 2 years of getting into the norm of last minute preparation from her lack of research, Helen has never once underestimated her love for politics and is honoured to serve as the Secretary-General for CYDCMUN 2019. Even though she thoroughly commits herself to Public Forum Debate, her love for Model United Nations only recently blossomed and has continuously grown after she found thrill in staffing at conferences. Apart from MUN, Helen works as a Debate Coach at BC Forensic League a non-profit organization which has captivated her love in the world of American-style debate. If she’s not in a blazer, you’d find her as an Alto Saxophone player or hopelessly trying to fit the asian standard of becoming a Medical Student. Helen hopes to inspire more delegates to make change in their MUN community after CYDCMUN.

Director General
Jenny Jung

After taking the role as a Director of Operations for the first iteration of CYDC Model United Nations, Jenny is once again, more than delighted and honoured to be be working with eight noble and diligent secretariat members, serving as the Director Generals for this year’s CYDC MUN 2019.Most of Jenny’s high school career consisted with her times with the BC Forensic League Association, starting as a tenacious middle schooler and eventually standing as a debate trainer to help students find their voice in speech and debate. Through being a member in the BC Forensic League Association, she gained countless strengths through her continuous participation in Canadian and American-style Debates, Entrepreneurship, Mock Trials, Public Speaking, and most importantly, Model United Nations. When Jenny is not dedicating her time in speech and debate, she is either taking the longest naps, spending her time with her family or continuously travelling the world with her sister. As once being a shy and introverted girl, Jenny hopes that every student will have the opportunity through this conference to acquire more knowledge with world occurrences, develop crucial leadership skills, and most importantly to leverage the MUN experience and network to help determine what one truly desires to become in this era of globalization.

Chief of Staff
Kevin Roe

Kevin Roe is a grade 10 student at Pacific Academy and is honoured to serve as the Chief of Staff for CYDCMUN 2019. Kevin first entered the MUN scene in Grade 8 and has been mesmerized by the level of discussion in a committee through extensive research and passion. Kevin hopes that every delegate attending CYDCMUN 2019 will have either learnt something, met someone new, or had a great time. Asides from Model United Nations, Kevin enjoys debate, playing the saxophone, eating good food, and learning new things everyday. Kevin hopes to meet everyone at CYDCMUN 2019, and anticipates a high level of professionalism and debate from all delegates.

Director of Operations
Hoony Oh

As a grade 12 MUN fanatic from Sardis Secondary, Hoony Oh is excited to be a part of the secretariat team as the Director of Operations for the second iteration of CYDCMUN! Having first stepped into the world of Model United Nations in Grade 9, Hoony still remembers his first conference as one filled with excitement, joy, and a bit of anxiety, but none the less still a memory he can never forget. Now, he works and strives toward spreading the same experiences to as many people as possible. When not hitting gavels on tables, you might find Hoony at debating at American tournaments, reffing basketball games or watching a couple seasons on Netflix. He looks forward to meeting all of you in 2019!

Delegate Affairs
Lauryn Lee

Lauryn is a junior attending Gleneagle Secondary and is honoured to serve as the USG of Delegate Affairs at CYDCMUN 2019. She started her Model United Nations journey two years ago, afraid of speaking in front of a large crowd, and raising her placard a total of two times throughout the entire conference. Feeling ashamed and regretful, Lauryn vowed to boost her public speaking skills and confidence by speaking at least once more. Since then, she started attending numerous conferences in the lower mainland, hoping to achieve her goal. Little did she know that she would become absolutely captivated by MUN. During her spare time, you’ll find her scrolling through instagram for hours, struggling to comprehend biology terms, or eating late-night snacks whilst struggling to finish cases for debate. With CYDCMUN 2019 just around the corner, Lauryn cannot wait to meet this year’s delegates, hoping to find their passion in MUN.

USG of Committees
Ryan Choi

Ryan is a grade 11 student at a small school called SDSS in Tsawwassen. He enjoys video games, rugby and to sleep or go to the gym in general. He started MUN several years ago, forced by his peers, and continues to be forced to do MUN. He is very happy to be serving as the USG of Committees for CYDCMUN 2019

USG of Marketing
Lisa Chen

Lisa is a Grade 12 student at Fraser Heights Secondary School and is delighted to serve as the USG of Marketing for CYDCMUN 2019. After going through the periods when she always forgets her speech the moment she stands up two years ago, Lisa has matured and has become “addicted” to the world of debating and public speaking. You can often find Lisa filming and editing short videos, dancing, volunteering for school clubs, and THINKING about working out in her spare time. Lisa hopes that CYDCMUN provides a wonderful and unforgettable experience for all delegates and is extremely ecstatic to meet you all!

USG of Media & Design
Lawrence Tan

Lawrence is a grade 10 student at Pacific Academy, and is honoured to serve as the USG of Media and Design for CYDCMUN 2019. After joining Pacific Academy in Grade 9 and meeting Kevin and Jae Wu, both experienced in MUN and debate, Lawrence decided that he needed to get in on the action too. In his free (or even not technically free) time, you might find Lawrence running around with a camera or two in his hands, filming all sorts of crazy things. He also enjoys being frustrated by the glitchiness of Premiere Pro, his “favorite” video editing program, and trying to debug his own poorly written website code. He is excited for CYDCMUN 2019 and can’t wait to meet everyone in March!

Jae Wu Chun

"Stop playing games!" his mom would always say, when he wasn't playing games. Jae Wu is a grade 10 student attending Pacific Academy High School. Being drawn into computers at a young age, he taught himself various computer programming languages. His fascination ranged from a computer's hardware to software to the internet and websites. However, while growing up Jae Wu realized he wasn't sure if he wanted to pursue that path so he started looking into other extra curriculars and found Public Speaking. Which made him even more unsure. Nevertheless, he strives for greatness in Public Speaking, including Debate and Model United Nations, because the skills that are acquired through those practices are vital for accurately articulating thoughts.